Who Am I?

My Mission

My mission is to utilize the power of marketing to create a world that is run by small businesses and entrepreneurs.
I want you to have the same access to a professional Meta ads manager as a multi billion dollar company so we can get you the same results as that company.
I believe in working with people who care about their product, their customers, and the planet.


About Me

Hey! I am so glad you found your way to my corner of the internet! I started Hidden Willow Marketing to serve you with all your Facebook and Instagram ads needs in a one stop, personalized shop. I love helping other people experience the amazing life I get to live as an entrepreneur. One where the tea kettle is almost on a random kayaking adventure on and a Tuesday afternoon is far from unique!

I believe in the power of individual connection and fostering true relationships. This may sound a bit counter to someone who spends their professional life on social media, but I know that ultimately the internet is an extraordinary tool to connect us, we just have to use it the right way.

When I’m disconnecting from screens, I love to get outside and enjoy nature. This looks like everything from a quick jaunt through the woods by house to a multi day canoe camping trip!

I love cooking, drinking and making wine, and spoiling my pet rabbit, Emerson.

Life is too short to think “what if I…” you just got to jump in and do it!



My Experience

Here are a few of my skills that are essential to running your ads: